Posted by Tyler Chancey, GCFA on

Tyler Chancey is a seasoned cybersecurity professional currently serving as the Director of Cyber Security at Scarlett Cybersecurity Services, With a solid foundation in Computer Software Engineering from the University of Florida, Tyler holds a repertoire of certifications that underscore his expertise. These include the prestigious Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert and Microsoft 365 Certified: Security Administrator Associate, showcasing his mastery in Microsoft's enterprise solutions. Tyler's commitment to comprehensive security is further evidenced by his CompTIA Security+ certification, demonstrating proficiency in core cybersecurity principles. Additionally, his GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA) credential attests to his advanced skills in forensic analysis—an invaluable asset in today's complex cybersecurity landscape. Tyler's dedication to staying at the forefront of industry standards is evident in the active pursuit and maintenance of these certifications, making him a trusted authority in the field.

Why is Cybersecurity Important to the Government?

Why would governments care about cybersecurity? Shouldn’t it be businesses and banks that need to fear cybercrime. Anyone connected to technology can be a victim of cybercrime. Governments around the world now consider cybersecurity important as they rely highly on technology to run their countries.

Cybersecurity is vital to the government to protect sensitive national data, investments, and citizens.

  • Cybersecurity protects national data.
  • Governments provide uninterrupted services based on cybersecurity.
  • Cybersecurity safeguards national infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity is vital to prevent cyber war.

Additionally, sound cybersecurity practices help governments provide reliable services.

You would be surprised to know the full list of reasons why governments take on cybersecurity initiatives. Fortunately, we are going to cover them all to expand your knowledge. Just keep reading on!

Why is cybersecurity important to the government?

Today, governments around the world rely highly on technology to run day-to-day activities. From applying for your ID to claiming government incentives, everything is run by IT. As a result, any government is open to cybercrime threats like hacking and data breaches.

Here is why governments worry about cybersecurity:

Cybersecurity protects national data.

Like businesses, governments around the world store sensitive data on servers and the cloud. The data can be related to national investments, defense plans, personal identifications of citizens, or similar aspects.

Enemies or hackers can try to compromise government servers and try to access national data. Let’s say an enemy country gets the defense plans by breaking into a government server. That will put the whole safety of the nation in question.

As a result, cybersecurity is important and needed to protect sensitive national data.

Governments provide uninterrupted services based on cybersecurity.

Most of the services provided by governments are available from websites. Any country has countless websites linked with the government that ensures the country is running effectively.

Attackers can try to comprise such vital websites and disrupt national services. The whole nation will come to a standstill, and official matters will suffer. It can even end up creating a negative effect on the economy.

Cybersecurity safeguards national infrastructure.

Governments rely on a range of hardware to provide various services. Servers, computers, sensors, processors, modems- the list is endless. Governments need to rely on IT infrastructure to even provide essential services like electricity and water.

A part of national infrastructure is also connected to the internet to exchange data and information. As you can guess, all of these are connected to technology and open to cyber threats.

Federal Governments can prevent breaches and secure national infrastructure by using cyber security services. Outsourced cybersecurity can also protect local governments from cybercrimes including municipal ransomware attacks.

Cybersecurity is vital to prevent cyber war.

Cyberwarfare is not a thing of sci-fi movies anymore. Many countries and even individuals have used digital techniques to launch a war on governments across the world.

The list of victims includes Estonia, Georgia, India, and even the USA. Enemies can compromise government systems to spy on military intelligence, stop essential services, or even cause damage to infrastructure.

Governments won’t be able to prevent cyber war without strong cybersecurity practices. It also helps them protect classified and top-secret information.

How can government improve national cybersecurity?

Governments act as leaders to implement strong cybersecurity practices and laws throughout the country. They take countless steps to ensure enemies or hackers cannot succeed in their harmful missions.

Some of the steps include:

  • Mandating data protection and privacy
  • Bringing in more cybersecurity experts in governmental decision making
  • Setting up dedicated cybersecurity centers
  • Owning data centers to prevent chances of data leaks or spying
  • Creating awareness in citizens and government employees
  • Regular cybersecurity audits to find security gaps
  • Setting up of numbers or portals to register cybercrime complaints
  • Developing crisis management plans for emergencies
  • Assigning leaders to manage national cybersecurity efforts
  • Training staff and stakeholders in cybersecurity best practices

Governments also draw up immediate steps to counter cybercrime based on situations. For example, using foolproof encryption can protect national data from spying threats.

Why is a national cybersecurity defense strategy important?

Governments across the world have realized the threats posed by cybercrime to a nation. They have understood it is not possible to counter cybercrime without a planned strategy. As a result, more than 100 governments have come together to create national cybersecurity defense strategies.

A strategy brings structure to the cybersecurity efforts and initiatives of a country. It sets the standard that a government must achieve or implement to disarm hackers and attackers. Governments can also get a roadmap to follow instead of implementing reactionary measures.

A government can get more proactive in preventing cybercrime with a well-planned and researched strategy.

The elements in a cybersecurity defense strategy vary based on countries. However, all strategies share a few common traits:

  • Creating a national agency to manage cybersecurity
  • A dedicated program to protect national infrastructure
  • A recovery plan for meeting disasters
  • Effective laws to counter cybercrime
  • Building a connected ecosystem to fight cyber threats

A national cybersecurity strategy is as important as a national defense strategy. It strengthens a nation’s capabilities to protect itself and prevent cybercrime.

Why is cyber law important to the government?

Cyber laws protect users and systems from threats of the cyber world. Every country has the responsibility to come up with a set of cyber laws applicable to it. The laws are for citizens, businesses, and organizations operating in a country.

Cyber laws protect individuals, businesses and government assets at the same time. For example, cyber warfare can bring down banks and private financial institutions in a country. In such a situation, the government will also be at a loss as the national economy will suffer.

As a result, governments take extra care to draft cyber laws. It is in their own interest to protect national, individual, and business interests to ensure the country’s prosperity.

Why is cybersecurity awareness important to the government?

Educating the people of a country in cybersecurity best practices is a great way to secure national interests. Many times, hackers will break through a national system using a regular citizen.

Let’s say a person has registered on a government website to apply for a driving license. We know we must use strong passwords whenever we create our account online. If not, hackers can violate our passwords and get access to our accounts.

If citizens are not aware of this, they might use a weak password. A hacker can quickly break a weak password, find their way to the government website, and do whatever they please.

As a result, citizens must be careful enough to know how to behave online or handle technology.  

Final Thoughts

Government should consider cybersecurity services to protect national interests. It protects national infrastructure, sensitive data, secret information, and national identities. Additionally, cybersecurity helps prevent cyber war and attacks on government assets and investments. It also enables governments to provide essential and non-essential services.

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